Gianluca Parri's portfolio

I am Gianluca Parri, a 20 years old Italian guy: here there are some things about me!

📚 Education

In 2023 I graduated with 100/100 from ITIS E. Mattei, where I studied ICT; now, I am studying Computer Engineering at University of Bologna.
While I was in high school I participated in the Olimpiadi Italiane di Informatica (I got a bronze medal).
I also partecipated to CyberChallenge in 2024. I've also got a Cambridge C1 certificate for English.

🎮 Hobbies

Apart from programming - of which I will talk later, I have several hobbies: I love reading (mostly fantasy/sci-fi books and superheroes comics) and watching films and tv series (sitcoms, and again sci-fi and fantasy); I also like cubing (my 3x3 average is around 35s) and cooking.
Recently I've bought an Xbox series S.

💻 Programming

You can see all my projects (at least, the public ones) on github and gitea.
The editor I use daily is neovim (my configs are here). I use arch, btw.

My main programming language is Python, but I also use Go, SQL, and HTML and CSS quite often; I use JavaScript (and JQuery) too, but I know it just enough to make my web pages do things. At school/university, on the other hand, I studied C, C++, Java, PHP and a bit of Bash.

I have created several REST APIs and/or WebServers (with Flask and vanilla Go), but I've also worked with WebSockets and written some TUI and GUI applications.
I've used Docker (also with compose) for a couple of projects, and I'm planning to try Kubernetes.

🔗 Links

Contacts: EmailTelegram
Donations: PayPal
Socials: InstagramKeybaseTwitterReddit
Projects: GiteaGitHubPlay Store
Uptime: Uptime Kuma